Thursday, November 26, 2009

Flower Fairies Sock Club!

Yes! A new sock club to begin in Feb, 2010! Shipments in the middle of Feb, March, and April! YarnYenta and I have joined forces to bring you enchanting fairy socks. She'll do the designs and I'll do the dyeing.

The particulars:

3 months: Feb, March, April (middle of the month, as usual).
3 brand new sock patterns designed by a YarnYenta, who is a wonderful sock designer.
3 charming new colorways dyed my me.

Yarns? I have a lot to choose from and have not decided yet, but you know that they are all lovely because I wouldn't knit on them if they were not.

Cost? $90 for everybody, USA, Canada, UK, and any other place possible. US shipments will mail out as Priority Mail, the UK and other places across the Pond will be sent as First Class International, Canada will also ship as First Class International. So, no extra charges for the basic package because you are not in the States.

Payment is done all at once, and not pay-as-you-go. I'll need payment by the end of January to make sure that I have enough to dye up the yarn.

Extra goodies?
Nope. I don't like them, and don't send them, and anyhow, if it costs me to send them, then I have to add that cost to the club. We are a no-frills club, but we are sending you what counts: wonderful yarns and patterns!

Sign up: Any time from this blog and Etsy which is self-explanatory.

Payment is done all at once, and not pay-as-you-go. I'll need payment by the end of January to make sure that I have enough time to dye up the yarn.

fritzL234 AT yahoo DOT com

Please join us on this delightful trip to enchantment.

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